Vocal Basic oct 2024

Atelier : Vocal Basics | Octobre 2024

This workshop teaches vocal basics, posture, breathing, and techniques to improve your singing skills.
Esch-Belval €150

Get ready to learn the basic functioning of the voice, the importance of posture, breathing exercises and vocal techniques. You'll also discover how to use your voice properly as a singer, replace bad habits with good ones, dramatically improve your vocal skills and explore the world of your vocal possibilities. Please note that this course is open to beginners and those with some experience.

Workshop overview:

  • Quick anatomy (basic functioning of the voice box)
  • Physical & vocal warm-up exercises
  • Different vocal sounds and vocal colors
  • Singing technique exercises

Date: Every Thursday from October 3, 2024 to December 12, 2024, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (except on school holidays).

Price: 150€ for ten sessions, the first session is a trial session, billing starts from the second session.

5, avenue du Rock'N'Roll
L-4316 Esch-Belval

Level: Beginners and singers with some experience

Languages: Luxembourgish, French, English

Hosted by:  Sarah Kertz

Our website is currently under construction.

Please contact us for any further information:

info@inecc.lu / +352 26 430 481.

Thank you for your patience and keep singing!