circle songs

Circle Songs - 23.11.2024

Popularized as a vocal discipline thanks to Bobby Mc Ferrin more than 20 years ago, Circle Song is a powerful ritual form that helps generate collective musical energy and connection in the group.

Circle Song is a simple, quasi-ancestral form of singing, where a group of singers, placed in a circle ʻpass aroundʼ a basic motif, inspired by African, Latin, groove, traditional folk and jazz influences. The singers take turns improvising. Circle Song offers singers an ideal context in which to listen, share and conduct an individual study of vocal improvisation.

Date: Saturday, 11/23/2024, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

Location: INECC Luxembourg
               52 avenue de la Gare
               L-1610 Gare-Luxembourg

Languages: Luxembourgish, French, English

Leaders: Nicolas Billaux, Muriel Maria, Jeff Mack

Price: €15 | €7.50 (<27 years) | Kulturpass: €1.50

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Thank you for your patience and keep singing!